
Gateway Is unique in that it’s entirely about getting into the industry, not necessarily just what’s already going on within in. Hopefuls can find like minded learnings and those that are willing to teach in full attendance to brighten their spirits, provide much needed guidance, and give them a leg up on the competition that didn’t manage to make it each and every year.

If you are hoping to be the geekiest of writers, and interested in breaking into the industry, this con is a small scale place to do just that, and one of the best chances you have to do anything of that kind.

The Writer’s Conference within Gateway is the star of the show, and only costs around $200 if you register in time. You’ll be allowed to pitch while there or remotely, get access to all the events and conferences themselves as they go on, sell your own book there, and more.

There are also many various speaker panels of successful and insightful writers there to help you if you have any questions. Imagine being able to ask your idol for help, on the spot, in person? It really is that good, and is how many people get over creative blocks and related things.

There are also many workshops going on to improve your work, featuring people from local literary organizations that are there to speak and help you on various topics. Panels of experts are also selected with predefined questions to teach you anything you’d like to know, and there to help you as you get lost along your way.

You can even pitch your works to literary agents and actual publishers that you’d love to feature it. You can work together in a workshop here too, featuring 5 minutes to read your work and being given a 5 minute critique by people that are at the top of their game, as well as their peers. This is alongside classes and editorial consultations, managing every single aspect of the process!

Summing Up How This Year’s Con Went

If you are looking to break into the industry, and in particular are a writer, this is the best place for you to be. It’s a fun time, an informative one, and you certainly won’t forget a single moment spent here! For the better of course.